Around our office you will often hear us say if it’s not Steri Clean, it’s not really clean. While we often say it in jest, it was born from countless inspections of facilities that despite having a professional janitorial service they where dirty. This was particularly true with Medical Offices. It always amazes me when I walk into a medical facility and see visible dirt and dust. Think about it, if your commercial cleaning company is missing the dirt you can see what about the dirt you cant?
Next time you are at your Doctor, Dentist or any medical facility look around. Is the entry way clean, what about the floors? Are the windowsills and ledges free of dust and dirt? How about the upholstered chairs, are they stained and grimy? Does the half wall look like it hasn’t been wiped in ages? The hallways leading back to the exam room, are they clean and free of dirt and grim?If you are the director of a medical facility you cant have patients sitting in a dirty waiting area, using an unsanitary rest room or even worse getting other patients sick because your building is not being cleaned and sanitized
We realize that the one-size fits all approach to cleaning doesn’t work so we have developed an in-depth process designed specifically for cleaning and sanitizing medical facilities. Our staff goes through rigorous training.
While we are working within your medical facility we have 2 top priorities;
- First and foremost we strive for perfection in the way of making sure your facility is clean and sanitized for all of your patients AND staff. Our specially designed cleaning system for medical facilities is a program based on years and years of experience mixed with the leading industry technology and best practices.
- Second to help maintain your image and reputation. In today’s day and age of online reviews, community chat boards and online reputation, maintaining your image and reputation are more important then ever. A big part of managing your Image is what your patients see when they are at your facility. When they see a dirty facility they associate that directly to the level of professionalism and care that you give.
A sign of a good commercial cleaner is that you never have to think about cleanliness. Our cleaning services are silent in that we come in, do a great job and you never have to think about it. It is always just done.
If you are worried about the cleanliness of your facility, then you probably already know it’s time for a better cleaning service. Give Steri Clean a call. We will gladly discuss how to make your medical office sparkle!